Longmeadow- FSBO has been in existence for almost 8 years and during this time, over 200 Longmeadow homeowners have advertised on our website. Anyone who has attempted to sell a house or read a newspaper knows that it has been a difficult time.
Advertisers on Longmeadow-FSBO can be assured that their homes will be seen by a large number of potential home buyers who use the Internet and Google search as one of their tools.
We believe that LongmeadowBiz offers the best service (particularly the quality of the photos and the bird's eye view feature which allows a viewer to walk through the neighborhood) as well as the lowest cost in the region. We do it all... from the photos to the design of your individual FSBO webpage. If you are selling your house, give us a call at (413) 567-9428.... we would be happy to help you.
If you are looking for a home in the Longmeadow or East Longmeadow area, be sure to check our webpages (Longmeadow-FSBO and East Longmeadow-FSBO).
Advertisers on Longmeadow-FSBO can be assured that their homes will be seen by a large number of potential home buyers who use the Internet and Google search as one of their tools.
We believe that LongmeadowBiz offers the best service (particularly the quality of the photos and the bird's eye view feature which allows a viewer to walk through the neighborhood) as well as the lowest cost in the region. We do it all... from the photos to the design of your individual FSBO webpage. If you are selling your house, give us a call at (413) 567-9428.... we would be happy to help you.
If you are looking for a home in the Longmeadow or East Longmeadow area, be sure to check our webpages (Longmeadow-FSBO and East Longmeadow-FSBO).